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F 2-23 |
Models from statistical mechanics |
Kemp., Ch.1; Lawler, An introduction to the stochastic Loewner evolution |
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W 3-1 |
Statistical mechanics intuition, cont. Conformal maps I. |
Tran's paper; Duren, 2.1-2.2; Lawler, Conformally Invariant Processes, 3.2 |
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F 3-3 |
Conformal maps II: Loewner's proof of the 3rd coefficient. |
Duren, 2.3, 3.1-3.5. See also Lawler Conformally Invariant Processes 3.6 for proof of the Caratheodory convergence theorem. |
F 3-10 |
Martin boundary, SLE_0, SLE_0(\rho) and Loewner energy |
Berestycki-Norris notes, chapter 1 |
W 3-15 |
Brownian motion, harmonic functions, harmonic measure and the Green's function |
Berestycki-Norris notes, chapters 2 and 3; see also Lawler Conformally Invariant Processes 2.4 for a more detailed treatment of the Green's function |
F 3-17 |
Green's func, cont.; Compact H-hulls, their mapping out functions and estimates |
Berestycki-Norris notes 3.3, chapter 4, 5.1 |
F 3-24 |
Continuity and differentiability estimate for g_K; half-plane capacity |
Berestycki-Norris notes 5.2-5.3, 6.2 |
W 3-29 |
Two notions of capacity, Loewner transform, Loewner equation |
Berestycki-Norris notes Finish 6.2, 6.1, 7.1-7.2 |
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F 3-31 |
A Loewner transform example and its Loewner energy; alternative definition of local growth; inverting Loewner transform |
Berestycki-Norris notes 7.3, 8.1 |
F 4-7 |
Continuity of Loewner transform and inverse, SLE and Schramm's principle |
Berestycki-Norris notes 8.2-8.3, 9.1 |
W 4-12 |
Rohde-Schramm Theorem, SLE in other domains; Review of Ito integral |
Berestycki-Norris notes 9.2-9.3, Oksendal chapter 3 |
F 4-14 |
Ito's formula for semimartingales, the Bessel SDE and time changes of local martingales |
Oksendal 3.3, 4.1-4.2, Kemppainnen 2.2-2.3, Lawler Conformally Invariant Processes ch.1 |
F 4-21 |
Analysis of Bessel SDE; hitting of SLE_\kappa on real line |
Berestycki-Norris chapter 10 |
W 4-26 |
Phases of SLE, transience; statement of Hausdorff dimension |
Berestycki-Norris chapter 11; Rohde-Schramm Basic properties of SLE section 7 |
F 4-28 |
SLE one point function; upper bound on Hausdorff dim |
Kemppainen sec. 5.6.4, 5.3.6; Beffara; for helpful review of Hausdorff dimension and its relation to other dimensions (box dimension, etc), see Przytycki-Urbanski Conformal fractals chapter 8 |
F 5-5 |
May holiday, no class |
W 5-10 |
SLE large deviations in uniform topology I |
Guskov A large deviation principle for the Schramm-Loewner evolution in the uniform topology, sections 1-4 (see also Wang Large deviations of Schramm-Loewner evolutions: A survey, Wang The energy of a deterministic Loewner chain: Reversibility and interpretation via SLE_{0+}, and Peltola-Wang Large deviations of multichordal SLE_{0+}, real rational functions, and zeta-regularized determinants of Laplacians. See also Tran-Yuan A support theorem Prop. 1.4 for the referenced result on the closeness of SLE to any finite-energy curve.) |
F 5-12 |
SLE large deviations in uniform topology II |
Guskov A large deviation principle, sections 4-6 |
F 5-19 |
Student presentations |
W 5-24 |
Topological support of SLE |
Tran-Yuan, sections 2 and 3 |
F 5-26 |
Finish topological support of SLE for k<=4; Conformal invariance of function spaces |
Tran-Yuan section 4; Berestycki-Norris 15.1 |
F 6-2 |
Bridge decomposition of SLE_{8/3} (student presentation); Review of Gaussian free field |
Alberts & Duminil-Copin; Berestycki-Norris 15.2, Berestycki-Powell 1.6 |
W 6-7 |
Loop erasure of planar BM (student presentation); SLE_4 as a contour line of the GFF |
Zhan; Berestycki-Norris 15.3-4, Schramm-Sheffield |
F 6-9 |
SLE facts we didn't get to; video lecture by Nina Holden: Conformal welding of Liouville quantum gravity disks and an application to the integrability of SLE |
Misc |